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Countries on our itinerary

The main route

This symbol indicates places where we have already experienced ecotourism, sustainability, environmental education, local culture and immersion in nature. These locations, with their teachings, pictures, stories, memories and friendships, are part of our luggage for  APERUNA!



It was not an easy task to define APERUNA´s itinerary! It was based on our  inspirations, but we highlight 3 things.


(1) The Concept of slow travel: the relation with our interpreters-friends cannot be guided by the quantity. We need to overcome the anxiety of visiting “every famous places of each country“ and give us the opportunity to drive us inside  a legitimate experience in the local culture. So we chose 15 countries for a 12 month-trip, preferring   slower and  collective means of transportation, seeking more profound landscape contemplation.


(2) Environmentalist friends: On our itinerary, we only choose countries where we have a "friend". These friends will be those to assist us on the interpretation of the local culture, on experiencing daily habits and on indicating us sustainable practices, vegetarian recipes and impressive landscapes.


(3) Diversity: we also considered the environmental and social diversity when choosing the countries. We tried to select  countries that contrast with our own urban-industrial-Western culture. Because of that many of our friends, lots of beautiful landscapes, several ecotourism experiences and sustainability projects will not be part of Aperuna 2016.

Do you live in a country that is part of our itinerary? You can help us by sharing information about the environmental culture of your region, such as programs on sustainable actions and representative natural landscapes. How? Click here.

Do you know other environmentalist friends in your country? You can help by putting us in contact with them! How? Click here.

Do you want to share some of your educational, cultural and/or environmental experiences? We will be happy to meet with you during our journey!

Contact us using the form available at the botton of each page of our site!


Countries where we have friends and are planning to visit:


1. Costa Rica

2. Nicaragua

3. Cuba

4. South Africa

5. Namibia

6. Croátia

7. Czec Republic

8. Denmarc

9. Italy

10. India

11. Russia

12. Nepal

13. Buthan

14. Vietnan

15. Malaysia

16. Singapore

17. Japan

18. Australia

19. New Zeland

20. Taiwan

Anchor 29
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